Grade II students ponder upon Environment Conservation

Grade II students ponder upon Environment Conservation

Grade II students ponder upon Environment Conservation

Grade II students ponder upon Environment Conservation

Grade II students ponder upon Environment Conservation

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”

There’s so much being offered in schools today but something very important which children need to be sensitized about is ‘Our environment’. Keeping in sync with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, students of Manav Rachna International School, Noida are made aware of their responsibility through Annual projects.

Students of Grade II Nilgiri had one such session on July 1st as a part of their Solid Waste management project. The young minds were shown videos on harmful effects of plastic on environment. They identified sustainable ways of living such as reuse of bags, always carrying cloth or jute bags, avoiding unnecessary use of plastic such as gift wrapping sheets and finding more eco friendly alternatives to such uses.

The students brainstormed and tabulated where they can find plastic waste around them and what can be done to reduce this. They even made paper bands stating “I will keep my surroundings plastic – free”, and campaigned in their school and buses to spread this message around.

The school hopes to do its bit towards environment conservation and raising the consciousness of the children towards it.