Celebrating alliance with the Rotary Club

Celebrating alliance with the Rotary Club

Celebrating alliance with the Rotary Club

Celebrating alliance with the Rotary Club

Celebrating alliance with the Rotary Club

Manav Rachna International School, Noida added another feather in its cap when it formally celebrated its association with the Rotary Club. The event for the installation of Interact Club was celebrated recently. Various dignitaries from the Interact Club graced the event with their presence. The School Principal, Ms. Nindiya Saket began the proceedings of the event with the formal welcome of the guests by presenting them planters followed by her ever inspiring words.

Yashita Ahuja from Grade XI, Socialist was crowned as the President of the Interact Club. The event entailed a melodious song sung by the school choir followed by ennobling words by the dignitaries who marked their presence on this significant occasion.

The elected members of MRIS, Noida, Interact Club pledged to take the fundamentals and the vision of the Interact Club to great heights. The students also promised to take up several projects concerning the very need of the hour and work concerning humanity.

The Manav Rachna Fraternity is fortunate to be backed by a team of very motivated and dedicated student committee, volunteers and faculties.