Edu-trip of Kindergarteners to Butterfly Garden

Edu-trip of Kindergarteners to Butterfly Garden

Edu-trip of Kindergarteners to Butterfly Garden

Edu-trip of Kindergarteners to Butterfly Garden

Edu-trip of Kindergarteners to Butterfly Garden

The best way of teaching and learning is with live experiences. This idea was aptly put into practice with the children from Kindergarten as they learnt about the Life Cycle of a Butterfly and later visited the Butterfly Garden.

As a recapitulation of the concept introduced in the class, the children saw different kinds of butterflies as well as their habitat. They also witnessed a tiny butterfly house where they found butterfly eggs, Pupa, Cocoon, and Caterpillars. During the round of the garden, they also learnt that the butterflies feed themselves by sucking nectar from plants as well as fruits.

Later, the little ones also enjoyed a mini picnic. This Edu-trip proved to be productive in terms of learning with an element of fun and play.