Clothing and Professions

Clothing and Professions

Clothing and Professions

Clothing and Professions

Clothing and Professions

“Imagination is more important than knowledge, for it embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and to understand.”

When children do role plays, they naturally become someone or something else. Roleplay stimulates their imagination and enhances their social development.

In accordance with the ongoing theme ‘Dressing Up’, the children were enlightened about different types of uniforms and attire.

To reinforce this concept, the in-charges of Toddlers group organized a Role Play: Clothing and Professions, where the children dressed up like various professionals from every walk of life, like Policemen, Doctors, Lawyers, Security Guards, Corporates, Nurses, Chefs and so on. The children were encouraged to speak a few lines about their role. The little ones were really excited and thrilled with the live experience of the concept and it proved to be very productive in terms of peer learning.