Tech Wizard Competition for Grade I – V

Tech Wizard Competition for Grade I – V

Tech Wizard Competition for Grade I – V

Tech Wizard Competition for Grade I – V

Tech Wizard Competition for Grade I – V

“Computer technology is so built into our lives that it’s a part of the surround of every artist”.

Manav Rachna International School believes that technology is not just a tool, it can give learners a voice that they may not have had before in this fast growing world. Tech Wizard Competition was conducted in the school, for Grade I – V, giving students a taste of designing with a vision and opportunity to express themselves through their imagination. Students creatively portrayed the topics, ‘My family’, ‘My Home’, ‘I wish to become…’, and ‘My role model’ using various software.

Principal, Ms. Anju Dhawan appreciated the command of students over computers and their aesthetic sense which was brilliantly displayed in the posters.