Personality Development Session for Grade VI-VIII Students

Personality Development Session for Grade VI-VIII Students

Personality Development Session for Grade VI-VIII Students

Personality Development Session for Grade VI-VIII Students

Personality Development Session for Grade VI-VIII Students

“Investing in our self is the best investment we will ever make.”
A session on Personality Development for students of Grade VI to Grade VIII of MRIS, Ludhiana was taken up by Ms. Geetanjali Kalia, Student Counsellor recently. Students were informed that personality develops inside to outside, and how important their dreams and desires are for developing the personality. It was stressed that they need to have a passion in life. Students were also given tips on how to increase their self-esteem. They were encouraged to be optimistic and to have a positive approach about everything in life. The power point presentation carried the message that we should love ourselves, should never give up and always have a strong will. We must persist to pursue dreams regardless of what may happen and not succumb to the negativity around us.

Real life biographies were discussed as example for the students to always be hopeful of good things happening in future and to achieve the goal by taking head-on all the obstacles in the way. Ms. Anju Dhawan, Principal said it was a well conducted workshop of motivating the students to discover themselves. She stated that the school as a platform makes tireless efforts to offer its students an excellent opportunity to explore their hidden personality characteristics, assess their competencies and take steps towards maximizing their potentialities.