Germination Activity by KG

Germination Activity by KG

Germination Activity by KG

Germination Activity by KG

Germination Activity by KG

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

Our learning starts with the awareness of our surroundings. Under the ongoing theme- Wonders of Nature- the children of kindergarten were brought closer to Mother Earth and the miracle of life she has bestowed upon our planet.

The children were made aware of the classification of plants which included herbs, shrubs, climbers, creepers, trees, etc. They were taught about the bountiful photosynthesis process. The life cycle of plants was also discussed in the activity. One of the major activities was ‘germination’. Kids interacted with the Gardener to know more about the plants. They sowed seeds and watered the plants too. This connection with nature was thoroughly enjoyed by the kindergartners.