‘SPECTRUM OF COLOURS’, Inter-Clan Art competition for Primary Section

‘SPECTRUM OF COLOURS’, Inter-Clan Art competition for Primary Section

‘SPECTRUM OF COLOURS’, Inter-Clan Art competition for Primary Section

‘SPECTRUM OF COLOURS’, Inter-Clan Art competition for Primary Section

‘SPECTRUM OF COLOURS’, Inter-Clan Art competition for Primary Section


We at MRIS 46 Gurugram firmly believe that art is a natural means of communication and learning for children. Happiness comes from creative efforts and the joy of dreaming, creating and expressing our thoughts by drawing and painting is unparalleled. With the aim of celebrating the creative potential of all the young minds, the children of Primary Section participated in the ‘SPECTRUM OF COLOURS’, an Inter-Clan Art competition. Everyone was spellbound to see the budding artists merging the colours enthusiastically. These two days saw creativity exploding in every piece of art on display. It was definitely about encouraging, nurturing and showcasing every child’s natural creative flair. Through these competitions, students learn to explore the extent of their imagination and express themselves without any fear. The Annual On-the-Spot- Drawing Competition 2020 came to a ceremonial end with the distribution of prizes.