Winning Spree of Kabir Pandit

Winning Spree of Kabir Pandit

Winning Spree of Kabir Pandit

Winning Spree of Kabir Pandit

Winning Spree of Kabir Pandit

It is a proud privilege for MRIS-46 Gurugram to announce the addition of yet another golden feather in its cap. Kabir Pandit, a Grade X student, has crafted his way to win the finals in the Gurgaon District Boxing Championship. He had won the semi-final bout in the 52-54 kg junior category by split decision and the final bout by RSC in the second round, fetching himself a gold medal.

The 15-year old Kabir has impressively made his way to the State Boxing Championship which will held in Jhajjar from 17th to 21st July. Kabir believes “If you train easy, winning is hard; if you train hard, winning is easy.” “Kabir is a go getter”, says a proud coach, Ms. Saroj Sharma.

We hope this winning spree continues and he brings more laurels to the school.