Graffiti – an Art Festival 2019

Graffiti – an Art Festival 2019

Graffiti – an Art Festival 2019

Graffiti – an Art Festival 2019

Graffiti – an Art Festival 2019

“Art is as vital as sunshine and as vital as nourishment.”

The students at MRIS-21C Faridabad got an opportunity to immerse themselves in Visual Arts through ‘Graffiti – an Art Festival’ held at the school recently. This festival was conceived as a means to harness children’s creativity and perception of the themes allocated to them grade-wise. It was heartening to see the students from Grade IV-VII getting engaged in a creative exercise to identify their hopes and dreams of the future by way of their work on the topic ‘Energy Conservation’. Moreover, the festival allowed complete self-expression and supported the creativity of students from Grade I-III on topics such as Humans in Space, My Beautiful Garden / A Beautiful Morning and National / Religious festival. It was heartening to witness children’s expressions by the way of art.