Students visited Old Age Home

Students visited Old Age Home

Students visited Old Age Home

Students visited Old Age Home

Students visited Old Age Home

Old age is also called the second childhood and is a time when one needs love and care of near and dear ones. To express the solidarity with the old and desolate, students of Grade V of MRIS-14, under the aegis of Dr. O P Bhalla Foundation, paid a visit to a nearby old age home.

As the festival of lights draws closer, it was the perfect time to bring back the cheer and sparkle on the faces of the senior citizens of our society and light up their lives once again with joys and happy memories. The elderly residents excitedly welcomed them and looked cheerful, perhaps because they could see the reflection of their grandchildren on their faces. The students interacted with them and sang old melodies and bhajans with them, thus making the get-together a magnificent memory to behold. They also decorated their peaceful abode with some handmade items and shared food items with them. This rejuvenated their drooping spirit and filled their hearts with joy and content.

It was truly a soul-satisfying experience that left everyone with precious memories and valuable lessons learned for a lifetime. Though the students spent only a few hours with them, the initiative made them realize the value of their grandparents and the tenderness with which they need to take care of them as opportunity, words and loved ones- once gone, never come back.