Library Activity ‘Innovate and Ignite’ for Grade VIII

Library Activity ‘Innovate and Ignite’ for Grade VIII

Library Activity ‘Innovate and Ignite’ for Grade VIII

Library Activity ‘Innovate and Ignite’ for Grade VIII

Library Activity ‘Innovate and Ignite’ for Grade VIII

“That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong,” wrote the renowned and celebrated author F. Scott Fitzgerald.

This thought holds true today and one cannot deny the part played by literature in transporting the reader to a world of imagination and possibility. Expressing ourselves creatively helps us to channelise our energy in the right direction and creates a utopia of ideas. Therefore, in order to evoke creativity and help students express themselves through writing, Manav Rachna International School, Sector- 14 conducted a library activity “Innovate and Ignite” for the students of Grade 8 to help them take a sneak peek at the writing styles of four renowned literary authors. The students were divided into groups of four based on the names of the authors namely, R.L Stine, J.K Rowling, Sherlock Holmes, and Ruskin Bond. Each group was given a book to articulate an individualistic story after analyzing the cover page of the books. This activity helped the students to come up with brainstorming ideas and helped them to create distinctive stories using their quick intellect and perception.