Tree Plantation Drive by Interact Club

Tree Plantation Drive by Interact Club

Tree Plantation Drive by Interact Club

Tree Plantation Drive by Interact Club

Tree Plantation Drive by Interact Club

The students of Interact club of MRIS Charmwood participated in a ‘Tree Plantation Drive’ conducted by Lions Club of Faridabad at Nehru Ground, NIT Faridabad.

The students very enthusiastically planted a number of trees and were happy to know that the trees they planted would be protected by tree guards. They made many posters and placards carrying messages on planting trees and saving environment. The efforts made by the young students were appreciated by one and all. The President and other senior members of Lions Club presented certificates to the students for their spirit and zeal.

The drive was a successful one in which the students learnt various techniques to safeguard the existing trees along with the main aim of planting new saplings.

The survival of the Earth and its entire species depends upon the presence of trees. Spreading the important message of planting, maintaining and protecting them is not only the job of a few select individuals but a duty of every living being on the Earth.