MRIS Charmwood’s team at FLL Junior

MRIS Charmwood’s team at FLL Junior

MRIS Charmwood’s team at FLL Junior

MRIS Charmwood’s team at FLL Junior

MRIS Charmwood’s team at FLL Junior

MRIS Charmwood congratulates the following students for participating in First Lego League Junior 2020: Saar Sahotra (Grade I Creatives), Avya Sarabhai (Grade II Shivalik), Bhuvi Kaur (Grade II Nilgiri), Atharv Sharma (Grade III Europe), Anya Bhankar (Grade IV Arctic) and Jessica Singh (Grade IV Arctic). The children had built a Boomtown model using Lego WeDo 2.0. They used their imagination and creativity to create a safe, easily accessible and natural disaster-resistant community. The First Lego League focuses on building children’s interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through real-world challenges – to be solved by research, critical thinking, and imagination.